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Subjekt-Verb-Kongruenz bei schwerhörigen Kindern
Subject-verb agreement in hearing impaired children
9,90 €
„Beyond randomized control“, Plädoyer für mehr...
„Beyond randomized control“ A theoretical framework for research on language intervention with SLI-children author: Jürgen Cholewa, Julia Siegmüller
9,90 €
Numerusinformation vereinfacht d....
Parent training programme for LRS – Recognising changes in children’s behaviour author: Bettina Multhauf und Anke Buschmann
9,90 €
Einsatz und Auswirkungen von...
Use and effects of communication strategies by the communication partners of persons with dysarthria
9,90 €
Bimodale Bilingualität Der Einfluss der...
Bimodal bilingualismThe influence of bimodal bilingualism on oral language acquisition in Children of Deaf Adults (Coda)
9,90 €
Flexion attributiver Adjektive bei Kindern mit...
Adjectival inflection in children with Specific Language impairment
9,90 €
Inputorientierte Therapie der Verbzweitstellung...
Language intervention in developmental language disorder using modelling – a controlled study based on experimental data
9,90 €
Phonemerwerb monolingualer und mehrsprachiger...
Phonological acquisition of monolingual and multilingual children in preschool age
9,90 €
Der Outcome in der Dysphonietherapie mit...
Phonological acquisition of monolingual and multilingual children in preschool age
9,90 €
Kommunikative Partizipation von Kindern im...
Phonological acquisition of monolingual and multilingual children in preschool age
9,90 €
Modellgeleitete und kognitiv orientierte...
Cognitive and model based assessment of acquired dyslexia with DYMO
9,90 €
Lexikalisch-semantische Fähigkeiten Erwachsener...
Lexical-semantic abilities of adults with Down syndrome
9,90 €
Einsatz von Sprachausgabegeräten und...
Use of speech generating devices and applications in children with autism
9,90 €
Kommunikationsbezogene Lebensqualität bei...
Communication-related quality of life with dysarthria – Validation of a self-questionnaire
9,90 €
Sprachliche Besonderheiten in der...
Linguistic characteristics in spontaneous speech of patients with depression
9,90 €
Europaweite Umfrage zur Intervention bei...
A Survey across Europe on intervention with children with Developmental Language Disorder: First results from Germany about the theoretical foundation of speech and language therapy
9,90 €
Handlungskompetenz in der praktischen...
Speech and language professional competence in practical education
9,90 €
WAI-SR: Ein Messinstrument zur Erfassung der...
WAI-SR: An instrument for recording therapeutic relationship in speech-language therapy?
9,90 €
Sprachentwicklung von Late Talkers bis ins...
Language development of late talkers up to school-age: Long-term effects of an early parent-based language intervention
9,90 €
Kasusfähigkeiten mehrsprachiger Achtjähriger.
Case marking skills of German multilingual eight-year-olds. An exploratory pilot study in primary schools.
9,90 €
Erfassung der Erzählfähigkeit mehrsprachig...
Assessing narrative abilities of bilingual children – Psychometric evaluation of MAIN (Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives)
9,90 €
Therapie der Erzählfähigkeit: Gemeinsam üben...
The treatment of storytelling abilitiesAn evaluation study
9,90 €
Ratgeber leichter lesen?
Easy-to-read guidebooks?Effects of plain German on the readability of texts for people with aphasia
9,90 €
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