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Myofunktionelles Training des oralen und...
Myofunctional training of the oral and velopharyngeal area in obstructive sleep apnea – a case study
9,90 €
Praktische Ausbildung in der...
Practical skills training in speech and language therapy:beneficial factors for the development of competence within different training contexts
9,90 €
Erzählfähigkeit und mögliche Einflussfaktoren...
Narrative abilities and influencing factors in children and adolescents with Down syndrome
9,90 €
Lexikalische Profile bilingualer Kinder im...
Lexical profiles of bilingual primary school children
9,90 €
Kompetenzempfinden bei der...
Self-perceived competence when diagnosing developmental language disorder in multilingual children
9,90 €
Videotherapie in der Behandlung des Stotterns –...
Webcam delivery in the treatment of stuttering – Efficacy and recommendations for action
9,90 €
Zur Schulleistungsentwicklung von Kindern mit...
On the development of children with low language comprehension skills. A longitudinal study
9,90 €
Vergleich zweier modellgeleiteter...
Comparison of two model-guided assessment tools for acquired dyslexia – a case series
9,90 €
Delphi-Studie zur Definition und Terminologie...
Delphi study on the definition and terminology of developmental language disorders – an interdisciplinary reappraisal for German-speaking countries
9,90 €
Sprechtechniken bei Erwachsenen mit Stottern –...
Speech techniques in adults with stuttering – application and their influencing factors
9,90 €
Post COVID-19 Condition in der...
Post Covid-19 condition in speech- and language-therapy – Results of a survey
9,90 €
Einheitliche Vorgehensweise bei diverser...
Consistent practice for a diverse target group? Application and implementation of the Mottier test
9,90 €
Zur Fähigkeit älterer Personen eigene kognitive...
The ability of older people to assess their own cognitive performance
9,90 €
Einflussfaktoren auf die Nachsprechleistung von...
Factors influencing the performance in nonword repetition tasks – the relevance of a standardized administration of the Mottier-Test
9,90 €
Normdaten des Mottier-Tests für ein- und...
Mottier test norm data for monolingual and multilingual children aged 3 to 4
9,90 €
Beziehungsgestaltung und Kommunikation in der...
Therapeutic Relationship and Communication in Speech Teletherapy – A Qualitative Study
9,90 €
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